VI International Symposium

The Photon Century:
Updating and New Trends in Light Microscopy

Pavia , May 8-11, 2000
Dipartimento di Biologia Animale
University of Pavia


Monday, May 8th 2000
Nitric oxide and neopterin, pluripotential mediators in biology and medicine: function and detection

Morning (9:00 a.m.)
- D. Fuchs et al. (Innsbruck, Austria) "Neopterin, an immunodiagnostic and oxidative stress indicator".
- A. Contestabile et al. (Bologna): "Nitric oxide in neuronal plasticity and brain development".
- B. Mayer et al. (Graz, Austria):  "Versatile and complex enzymology of nitric oxide synthases".
- M. Hafner (Mannheim, Germany): "Nitric oxide and neurotoxicity".
- I. Freitas et al. (Pavia): "A novel tetrazolium salt method to demonstrate fixation resistant diaphorase (putative Nitric Oxide Synthase) activity in normoxic and hypoxic liver".
- E. Conforti et al. (Pavia): "Nitric oxide in the CNS of invertebrates: functional implications".

 Afternoon (2:30 p.m.)
- C. Robino (Hamamatsu Photonics Italia) "Low light level detection and video microscopy: state of the art and future perspectives". (Hamamatsu Conference and Workshop)

Tuesday, May 9th, 2000
Oxidative stress in aging and pathology

Morning (9:30 a.m.)
- A. Paolicchi (Pisa):  "Free radicals and oxidative stress: biological and pathophysiological significance".
- G. Lenaz (Bologna): "Role of mitochondria in oxidative stress and aging".
- W. Frederiks (Amsterdam, Holland): "The histochemical detection of enzymes involved in oxidative stress".
- A. Pompella (Siena): "The visualization of oxidative stress in tissues and isolated cells".

Afternoon (2:30 p.m.)
- R. Kempers (Molecular Probes Europe, Leiden, Holland): "New developments in fluorescence biotechnology" (Molecular Probes Conference).
- Workshop: Application of fluorescent probe detection

Wednesday, May 10th 2000
Fluorescence in situ hybridization and genome analysis

Morning (9:30 a.m.)
- O. Zuffardi et al. (Pavia): "Molecular bases of human chromosome rearrangements".
- E. Raimondi et al. (Pavia): "High resolution FISH on size-reduced human artificial chromosomes".
- N. Marziliano and S. Garagna (Pavia): "New insights in in situ-PCR: a cellular and chromosomal overview".
- H. Gundlach (Oberkochen): "Multicolor fluorescence detection".

Afternoon (2:30 p.m.)
- Workshop on multicolor FISH detection

Thursday, May 11th, 2000
New trends in light microscopy

Morning (9:30 a.m.)
- M. Hafner (Mannheim, Germany): "Targeting the cellular and molecular mechanisms of calcium neurotoxicity: application of intracellular calcium imaging and calcium accumulation studies" (Hamamatsu conference).
- F. Grohovaz et al. (Milano): "Imaging intracellular signalling by videomicroscopy and total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy".
-  A. Diaspro et al. (Genova): "Two-photon excitation for 3D microscopy: a new spectacular window on biological structures".
- G. Bottiroli (Pavia): "Autofluorescence: an intrinsic parameter to discriminate pathological  from normal conditions".

Afternoon (2:30 p.m.)
- M. Abbate (Immagini & Computer, Bareggio, Milano): "Image analysis and densitometry: state of the art and future perspectives".
- Workshop on Image analysis.

Booklet of the Symposium
in Word 7 format is available by request HERE

In collaboration with:
Dottorato di Ricerca  in Biologia Cellulare ed Animale

Under the auspices of the Società Italiana di Istochimica
and the Società Italiana di Microscopia Elettronica

With the collaboration of

A CN Biosciences Company by


The Program is downloadable for printing in Word 7 format clicking HERE



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12 Maggio 2000
Satellite symposium
I Colori dell'Apoptosi

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This site is created and maintained by Vittorio Bertone
Last version 07 April 2000